Monday, February 28, 2011

Short and long term effects of being a crime victim.

Being a crime victim can be devastating and change your whole life.

Crime victims can suffer immediate physical or mental problems associated with being a crime victim. However, the victimization doesnt stop when the actual crime is over. There are a number of after

 effects that crime victims suffer after the actual crime has been committed. The suffering from being a crime victim can continue throughout the process of putting the criminal in jail or charging them. The victims had to relive the moment of the crim when they appear in court and at times it can seem the court is trying to protect the criminal and not them. Many times the victim is interrogated by the police and questioned by others, family, friends, etc.. some victims are even accused of doing something to provoke the criminal to do whatever had happened.

Crime victims may suffer from stress and anxiety over a long period of time. This is more likely to happen to victims of serious crimes. Many crime victims suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, which is a disorder that causes anxiety attacks, flashbacks, and often make it hard for the victim to continue on with living their life. Some crime victims also suffer long-term physical conditions. Crime victims that were shot or stabbed can be paralyzed. Mental and physical problems are effects that crime victims suffer from over a long period of time. The mental and physical after effects also cause a long-term financial hardship on the crime victim. Visiting psychologists and physical therapy specialists is not cheap.

Difference between crime and deviance.

Both are violations of what is known to be socially alright. It is only criminal to break laws but it is deviant to break both laws and social behaviour patterns.
It is not deviant to break some laws. Although the law may say that the speed limit on the highway is 65, if you go over the speed limit by 5 mph along with everyone else that is not deviant behavior. Most of the time a police officer wont even enforce that law.

Deviation is what is defined as not normal by other people. This could be something as minor as wearing the wrong kind of clothes to a party or as major as killing someone, deviance is behavior that is not seen as acceptable or normal.
Some deviance is only enforced by social groups or singular people, while Crime is enforced by police.
Crime is defined as an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act
Crimes are often also enforced by social groups.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why crime happens.

There are many different reasons why crime happens but i think the top three reasons are 1. because its "easy" 2. because they "need" to and 3. because they "want" to. Crime is so easily done and most people think they can get away with it. Most people at sometime in there life have commited a crim weather it be speeding. assault or just loitering. So in essence we are all criminals and it is apart of our human nature. I think crime also happens becasuse there are soo many rules that people want to break them just for fun, or to get an adrenaline rush of some kind. I do not think that people are born into being a horrible person we all have choices but the way one is brought up can affect how they turn out to be later in life. So i guess what im trying to sayis crime is inevitable and there is no way to truely stop criminals from doing what there doing.